Sunday 11 December 2016

Catch Up!

Dear Diary,

So here I am, completely sucking at keeping a diary! I'm not even real sure where to start.

I killed my first month with Scentsy. Ranked number 9 in a team of 88. I also promoted twice! Don't think December will be as good. It seems to be working, so I will keep at it for a bit.

Mr J has graduated from Primary school.

Monster Z still ant sleeping!

6 weeks till hubby is home!

Off to QLD next week.

Then Bali first week of February.

I am tired, worn out, drained and just burnt out.

On Saturday Santa claws came around in the fire truck for the kids and threw them lollies!
It was really quiet fun for them. I remember Santa coming around in a fire truck when I was a kid. It doesn't happen very often anymore. We sure do get spoilt in our little community.

Today was spent sleeping pretty much. I am so exhausted. I can't even put it into words. Being a single mum really is the pits! Glad it wont be for to much longer.

Promise I will keep up with the updates.

Beck xx

Sunday 27 November 2016

Christmas Treat Fun!

Dear Diary,

Today we had out little community's Christmas treat. Both Boys had so much fun. J wasn't to impressed that he had to come, but I didn't give him an option and in the end he was glad he came and had so much fun with his friends. Most people think we only have one child Z. As J barley comes many places with us. So it can be funny when a friend is like oh, I didn't know you had 2 sons!

First thing we did when we got to the treat was stand in line to see Santa. While waiting for Santa to come a big helicopter landed on the footy field for us to see!

It then wasn't long till Santa arrived and got all the kiddies excited.

After a short wait the boys got to have a photo with Santa and also open their gifts. Lucky boys. Z got a helicopter and J got a light up frizzbee. Z wasn't to keen on getting to close to Santa. He just wanted to steal the lollies and run.

There was so many activities for the kids, including lazer and water tag, Jumping castles, Water slides, Animals, horse rides, and a big fire truck.
Z even got to hold a crocodile for the first time. He thought that was amazing. Considering he loves Crocks!

Such an amazing afternoon. Then followed by Carols by Candle light with the brass band.

Until next time
Beck x

Friday 25 November 2016


Dear Diary,

When Hubby went away for work, I decided I wanted to get myself a few penpals to help kill the time over the next few months. In doing that I stumbled across this site called Postcrossing! Its where you send and receive postcards from all over the world.

So I sent out my first 5 postcards straight away. Then waited patiently. I think it took about 3 weeks for my first one to register as received. Once mine started to register as being received I then would get some posted to me. So then I waited patiently again.

Yaaaaahooo I finally received my first postcard! From Belgium, and not long after I got one from Finland. How exciting.

This got me wondering, how I was going to store them all. Throw them in a shoe box? Scrapbook, ohh I have no idea.
It was about anther week or 2 before number 3 turned up. Boy oh boy was it a disappointment. Really turned me off. I spend all this money on beautiful quality cards.... and BAM I get a piece of shitty cardboard. Yep that's right. a shitty bit of cardboard. I get it some people don't have much money and that's fine, but send me a piece of cardboard with a nice picture on it. Maybe even draw me a nice picture. I won't lie. I was pretty sour about it for a couple days. It came from the USA.

So then not knowing if I wanted to continue this Postcrossing thing, incase I received more crap.... a blessing happened. I received a beautiful postcard from Moscow, Russia of, I am assuming the Northern Lights?

As you can imagine, this card got me all excited again. Which is great because the today I received from 2 different people. An arrangement of card from Adelaide, in Australia.

I think I will be doing regular swaps with this lady =)

Then I also got this cute card from Germany!

So I guess the odds arn't to bad then. One bad card in 11 is ok.
I defiantly can't wait to receive more from around the world =)
Check it out:

Until tomorrow
Beck xx

Tuesday 22 November 2016


Dear Diary,

My first entry.

It's been a rough couple of days. My brother and his beautiful partner lost their little bubba at 20 weeks. I can't even begin to imagine how they must feel or how hard yesterday was giving birth to a stillborn baby.

Its hard to even know how to act, what to say, what to do. Even with me being in a completely different state to them I was so nervous as I didn't want to upset them at all. Or smother them, or have them think I don't care enough or at all. I guess you just have to let them know you are there for them no matter what. I did that.

He then called me this morning, to let me know that they would be ok, just have to take it day by day. What else could you do really. Doesn't help the poor bugger lost his job on Friday to, due to financial problems within the business. I'm sure once he has given himself time he will find work again pretty fast. He has always been pretty good like that.

He then sent me some pictures of the adorable little angel that they took last night. He was so perfect. Such a darling. I know there must be a reason behind it. But its still not fair. I can see pop snuggling up with him in Heaven. I find peace with that. Been thinking I might get a tattoo with a cherub and the little guys name when we are in Bali. I was going to get my foot fixed, but might do this instead. Or both.

The Father of myself called to. Seems like he has been kept in the dark with a few things regarding the situation. Or he hasn't shown any compassion. Or he just wants to make the fucking situation about him. He came across as such an inconsiderate prick when he started going on about my brother not paying his boat payment and that he wants to know what will be going on with the next payment. Really old boy! Really! You want to do this today. Just pay the fucking payment and shut the fuck up. Does it really matter right now! NO. Gosh he pissed me off. Then wonders why no one want to talk to him when he acts like this.

I ended up telling mum. Trust me I hate going between them and saying what the other has done or said. I hate being cupped in the middle. But I thought I needed to give her a heads up in case Father decided he wanted to be a jerk to my brother today, or in the coming days. Annnnd in case we needed to figure out this boat payment thing ourselves. My brother defiantly doesn't need extra shit on his shoulders at the moment. hmmmmf some people.


The afternoon didn't consist of to much exiting stuff. Just that I signed up my first Scentsy recruit! OOooooHHHH Yeah! So that was a good boost. If I could get a couple more it would make me as happy as pig in shit, thats for sure. 

Then I also took My little monster down the pool for a bit to let of some steam and because he wanted to try out his new crocodile.

I was hoping I would get a full nights sleep out of him, only for him to go to bed at 8 and be up again at 10. I sure do love my little nocturnal night owl!

Until tomorrow
Beck x